Thursday, 24 March 2016

Accessibility in Games and Bodily Awareness

Accessibility in Games and Bodily Awareness

Zelda Skyward Sword has some of the best motion controls I have used in a game, though I'm sure many would disagree (I have not delved very deeply into the world of motion controlled gaming). The player is only able to control the protagonist's arm as if it were their own, but every swing of Link's sword feels truly as if it was your own. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to carve through trees and defeat enemies by utilising the accuracy of the motion control, slicing beneath a shield or stabbing through a gap in their armour.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Analysis of Ludonarrative Dissonance in Depression Quest

Analysis of Ludonarrative Dissonance in Depression Quest

Depression Quest, aptly named, is a minimal text based game about living with depression. As can be seen below the player is unable to make certain choices depending on the protagonists mental state. This adds immersion to a game almost devoid of any visual aid. Being unable to access sections of gameplay due to the protagonist's depression causes the player to become deeply invested in helping the protagonist. The player can at certain points in the game seek help with the help of friends and family. The decisions made by the player are the only thing pushing the story forward, thus there is little ludonarrative dissonance caused.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

10th Mar Mechanichs and messages notes

Intro: mechanics as messages

Brenda Romero - gaming for understanding

- games can have a profound effect on culture
- Train: play it
- games can radically change people's opinions on sensitive topics

Ludonarrative Dissonance - what the game is about

Errant Signal - The debate that never took place

- The words narratology and ludology were created for the new discipline of studying game design mechanics and narrative

TASK: 2000 work essay taking a critically and contextually aware perspective on one or two games - with all the freedom and depth which video game studies offers us.

- there is no single fixed methodology, you're going to be finding your own approach, Merlin will introduce you to examples of these
- you're going to be choosing your own essay question, and looking in depth at a game you find significant, innovative and controversial

Play: - Darkest Dungeon
          - undertale
          - papers please

Monday, 7 March 2016

7th Mar Notes

QA sesh with Chris
Fine if you don't get it textured, focus on Normal Map
Tricount - 10k max
Texture UV Albedo
1 - 2048 X 2048
4 - 1024 X 1024
When unwrapping use checkerboard to ensure even texture distribution
*Unfold UV* - (pin unselected UVs, horizontal then vertical, maximum iterations 1000)
With seams separate UVs along the selected edge
Use smooth UVs
Low poly
High poly
Edit mesh > transform > pull blue lever
Export as FBX for Xnormal
Use selection constraints to select planar surfaces quickly
Need *normal map - RG
Bonus *albedo map - colour
            *metallic map - greyscale
            *roughness map - greyscale
            *emissive map - greyscle
            *transparency / opacity
            *paralax occlusion mapping - POM
            *ambient occlusion - AO
Pivot must be at world 0
(*modify > center pivot*)